
From one to 40,000 owners

One of Sweden’s best investors in life science, Bengt Julander, invited institutions and private individuals to invest in Linc in 2021. To take the business to the next level, he recruited Karl Tobieson as CEO, Thomas Berg as CFO and Comir’s Johan Hähnel as the contracted IR manager to join the management team.

Linc invests in and develops primarily small and mid-sized life science companies with global potential in medicine technology and the pharmaceutical industry. Investments are made in both private and public companies as well as in research and operational companies.

During his 30 years in the industry, Bengt has built a portfolio with about 25 listed and unlisted companies and a unique network of researchers, physicians and entrepreneurs. One of the companies was MedCap, in which Karl Tobieson had been CEO for over a decade and Comir adviser for many years.

When the process first started, Linc was a one-man company without a website. The essence was there, but all communication needed to be developed from scratch to transform the identity of the business from a one-man show to a company that meets listing requirements and builds confidence in the financial markets. The website, annual report, prospectus, equity story and interviews in the media were combined with a comprehensive roadshow at which Bengt and management met with reputable investors.

Interest proved astronomical. Entrepreneurial companies typically attract a few thousand shareholders, but Linc gained 40,000 when it was listed. The listing was a complete success story with the most reputable Swedish institutions and international investors becoming part of Linc.


“It was absolutely amazing to take a company to the main list for the second time, supported by Johan’s experience and wisdom. First Medcap and then Linc. Johan has the ability to get things done and we have fun working together, and huge amounts of energy.”

Karl Tobieson, CEO